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TeamSIP Provisionierung Template

Nutzbare Tasten

Unten aufgeführtes Beispiel nutzt 10 belegbare Tasten in der TeamSIP Weboberfläche.

Am Telefon nutzbar sind die Tasten auf der rechten Seite.


TeamSIP Template IP 284

[ account ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
Enable = 1
Label = %TF_NUMMER%
DisplayName = %TF_NUMMER%
AuthName = %TF_ACCOUNT%
UserName = %TF_ACCOUNT%
password = %TF_PASSWORD%
SIPServerPort = 5060
UseOutboundProxy = 0
OutboundHost =
OutboundPort = 5060
Transport = 0
BakOutboundHost =
BakOutboundPort = 5060
proxy-require =
AnonymousCall = 0
RejectAnonymousCall = 0
Expire = 3600
SIPListenPort = 5060
Enable 100Rel = 0
precondition = 0
SubsribeRegister = 0
SubsribeMWI = 0
CIDSource = 0
EnableSessionTimer = 0
SessionExpires =
SessionRefresher = 0
EnableUserEqualPhone = 0
srtp_encryption = 0
ptime = 0
ShareLine =
dialoginfo_callpickup =

[ DTMF ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
DTMFInbandTransfer = 1
InfoType = 0
DTMFPayload = 101

[ NAT ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
NATTraversal = 0
STUNServer = stun.teamfon.com
STUNPort = 10000
EnableUDPUpdate = 1
UDPUpdateTime = 30
rport = 0

path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
default_t1 = 0.5
default_t2 = 4
default_t4 = 5

path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
SubscribePeriod = 1800

[ audio0 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio1 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio2 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio3 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio4 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio5 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio7 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio8 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio9 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ audio10 ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
enable =
PayloadType =
priority =

[ WAN ]
path = /config/Network/Network.cfg
WANType = 0
WANStaticIP =
WANSubnetMask =
WANDefaultGateway =

[ Lang ]
path = /config/Setting/Setting.cfg
#WebLanguage is the setting of language on web management
WebLanguage = 
[ Time ]
path = /config/Setting/Setting.cfg
TimeZone = +1
TimeServer1 = %TF_SIPSERVER%
TimeServer2 = ntp.tmwr.de
Interval = 1000
#Set daylight saving time.SummerTime 0 means disable,1 means enable
SummerTime = 2
StartTime =
EndTime =
[ Features ]
path = /config/Features/Phone.cfg
Call_Waiting = 1
Hotlinenumber =
BusyToneDelay =

[ PoundSend ]
path = /config/Features/Phone.cfg
#Set # key or * key as send. #:1 and *:2
Enable = 1

[ memory1 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Line means the line taken in use.0 stands for auto,1 stands for line1...except for one condition when type is blf(DKtype:16),0 stands for line1,1 stands for line2...
#DKtype defines the type of the key,ranging from 0 to 17
#DKtype 0:N/A           1:Conference    2:Forward           3:Transfer
#DKtype 4:Hold          5:DND           6:Redial            7:Call Return
#DKtype 8:SMS           9:Call Pickup   10:Call Park        11:Custom
#DKtype 12:Voicemail    13:SpeedDial    14:Intercom         15:Line(for line key only)
#DKtype 16:BLF          17:URL          18:Group Listening    19:Public Hold
#DKtype 20:Private Hold

#Set Memory key1
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_1%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory2 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key2
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_2%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory3 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key3
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_3%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory4 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key4
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_4%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory5 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key5
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_5%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory6 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key6
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_6%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory7 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key7
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_7%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory8 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key8
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_8%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory9 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key9
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_9%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ memory10 ]
path = /config/vpPhone/vpPhone.ini
#Set Memory key10
type = BLF
Line = 0
Value = %TF_NTNUMMER_10%
PickupValue = **
DKtype = 16

[ Profile ]
path = /config/vpm.cfg
VAD = 0
CNG = 1
ECHO = 1

[ Jitter ]
path = /config/vpm.cfg
Adaptive = 1
Min = 0
Max = 300
Nominal = 120
[ Message ]
path = /config/Features/Message.cfg
#Set voicemail number for each account
VoiceNumber0 = *99
VoiceNumber1 = *99
VoiceNumber2 = *99
VoiceNumber3 = *99
VoiceNumber4 = *99
VoiceNumber5 = *99

[ Country ]
path = /config/voip/tone.ini
#The tones are defined by countries.If Country = Custom,the customized values will be used.
Country =
[ Default ]
path = /config/voip/tone.ini
dial = 1
ring = 1
busy = 1
congestion = 1
callwaiting = 1
dialrecall = 1
record = 1
info = 1
stutter = 1
message = 1
autoanswer = 1

[ autop_mode ]
path = /config/Setting/autop.cfg
mode = 6
schedule_min = 5
schedule_time =
schedule_time_end =
schedule_dayofweek =

[ PNP ]
path = /config/Setting/autop.cfg
Pnp = 0

[ cutom_option ]
path = /config/Setting/autop.cfg
cutom_option_code0 =
cutom_option_type0 = 1

[ autoprovision ]
path = /config/Setting/autop.cfg
server_address = http://%TF_SIPSERVER%/tiptel
user =
password =

[ Lang ]
path = /tmp/download.cfg
server_address =

[ AdminPassword ]
path =  /config/Setting/autop.cfg
password = team05

[ UserPassword ]
path =  /config/Setting/autop.cfg
password =

[ firmware ]
path = /tmp/download.cfg
server_type = http
server_ip = http://%TF_SIPSERVER%
server_port = 80
login_name =
login_pswd =
http_url   = http://%TF_SIPSERVER%/tiptel/firmware
firmware_name = %FIRMWARE_FILENAME%

[ LDAP ]
Path = /config/Contacts/LDAP.cfg
NameAttr=sn cn
NumbAttr=telNrBusiness1 telNrBusiness2 telNrMobile telNrPrivate
version= 3

Achtung: Bei den neueren Firmwareversionen ( ab ) gibt es eine Änderung der BLF Tasten bezüglich der Pick-Up Funktion.

Es muss nur noch das     PickupValue = **     gesetzt werden, in älteren Versionen war dies noch analog zum IP 286     PickupValue = **%TF_NTNUMMER_3%