Yealink W60B
Das Yealink W60B ist eine DECT Basis Station.
Yealink Seite
Weitere auf der Webseite verfügbare Dokumente:
Funktionen am Telefon
- Default Admin PIN: keine
- Ermittlung MAC Adresse und IP:
Auf Paging Knopf an der Basis Station drücken, IP wird am Handteil angezeigt. - Neustart Prozedur:
keine Reset Prozedur:
länger als 5 Sekunden auf OK drücken, dann bestätigen
- Das Webinterface des Telefons wird mit folgendem Link erreicht:
http://<ip-adress-des-Telefons> - Kennwort nach Factory Reset:
admin - Neustart Prozedur:
Settings-> Rechts Reiter Starten -> Neustart -> OK - Eintrag des Provisionierungs-Servers
Settings-> Rechts Reiter Automatische Einrichtung -> URL: Server eintragen, z. B. -> Bestätigen -> Sofortiges Autoprovisioning Start
Anleitung zur manuellen Konfiguration
noch keine Anleitung vorhanden.
Das Telefon unterstützt folgende Leistungsmerkmale mit Firmware Version
Firmware Version:
TeamSIP Provisionierungs Template
Nutzbare Tasten
Unten aufgeführtes Beispiel nutzt 28 belegbare Tasten in der TeamSIP Weboberfläche, hier mit Unterstützung Erweiterungsmodul.
Am Telefon nutzbar sind die Tasten neben dem Display und mit Ebenen Umschalt-Taste.
Parameter für dieses Template:
Name | Vorgabe |
Ergänzung Partner Test:
lang.wui wurde nicht übernommen. Statt = Deutsch muss hier = German verwendet werden (bei lang.gui war es aber richtig).
lang.gui = Deutsch
lang.wui = German
Das Handset wird nicht benannt / auf dem Display steht nur Handteil 1 (oÄ), Lösung: = %TF_NUMMER% %TF_NACHNAME%
features.direct_ip_call_enable = 0
features.display_method_on_dialing = 1
Das geteste Telefon wurde mit dieser Provisionierungsvorlage als Telefon in TeamSIP konfiguriert:
TeamSIP Telefon Template
##File header "#!version:" can not be edited or deleted, and must be placed in the first line.##
##This template file is applicable to SIP-T28P/T26P/T22P/T20P/T21P/T19P/T46G/T42G/T41P IP phones running firmware version 72 or later.##
##For more information on configuration parameters, refer to Yealink_SIP-T2_Series_T19P_T4_Series_IP_Phones_Auto_Provisioning_Guide.##
phone_setting.talk_and_dial_power_led_enable = 1
##Lautsärke Hörer
voice.handset.spk_vol = 15
### Textlänge 0=Standard 1=erweitert
features.config_dsskey_length = 1
### Datumsformat
local_time.date_format = 5
### interner Klingelton aktivieren
account.1.alert_info_url_enable = 1
## Account1 Basic Settings ##
account.1.enable = 1
account.1.label = %TF_NUMMER%
account.1.display_name = %TF_NUMMER%
account.1.auth_name = %TF_ACCOUNT%
account.1.user_name = %TF_ACCOUNT%
account.1.password = %TF_PASSWORD%
account.1.sip_server_host = %TF_SIPSERVER%
account.1.sip_server_port = 5060
account.1.outbound_proxy_enable = 0
account.1.outbound_host =
account.1.outbound_port = 5060
account.1.transport = 1
account.1.backup_outbound_host =
account.1.backup_outbound_port = 5060
account.1.proxy_require =
account.1.anonymous_call = 0
account.1.reject_anonymous_call = 0
account.1.expires = 900
account.1.sip_listen_port = 5060
account.1.100rel_enable = 0
account.1.precondition = 0
account.1.cid_source = 2
account.1.session_timer.enable = 0
account.1.session_timer.expires =
account.1.session_timer.refresher = 0
account.1.enable_user_equal_phone = 0
account.1.srtp_encryption = 0
account.1.ptime = 0
account.1.shared_line =
account.1.dialoginfo_callpickup =
account.1.dtmf.type = 1
account.1.dtmf.info_type = 0
account.1.dtmf.dtmf_payload = 101
account.1.nat.nat_traversal = 0
account.1.nat.stun_server =
account.1.nat.stun_port = 10000
account.1.nat.udp_update_enable = 1
account.1.nat.udp_update_time = 30
account.1.nat.rport = 0
account.1.advanced.timer_t1 = 2
account.1.advanced.timer_t2 = 4
account.1.advanced.timer_t4 = 5
account.1.blf.subscribe_period = 3600
account.1.blf.blf_list_uri =
account.1.codec.1.enable = 1
account.1.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.1.codec.1.priority = 3
account.1.codec.1.rtpmap = 0
account.1.codec.2.enable = 1
account.1.codec.2.payload_type = PCMA
account.1.codec.2.priority = 2
account.1.codec.2.rtpmap = 8
account.1.codec.3.enable = 0
account.1.codec.3.payload_type = G723_53
account.1.codec.3.priority = 0
account.1.codec.3.rtpmap = 4
account.1.codec.4.enable = 0
account.1.codec.4.payload_type = G723_63
account.1.codec.4.priority = 0
account.1.codec.4.rtpmap = 4
account.1.codec.5.enable = 0
account.1.codec.5.payload_type = G729
account.1.codec.5.priority = 3
account.1.codec.5.rtpmap = 18
account.1.codec.6.enable = 1
account.1.codec.6.payload_type = G722
account.1.codec.6.priority = 1
account.1.codec.6.rtpmap = 9
account.1.codec.7.enable = 0
account.1.codec.7.payload_type = iLBC
account.1.codec.7.priority = 0
account.1.codec.7.rtpmap = 102
account.1.codec.8.enable = 0
account.1.codec.8.payload_type = G726-16
account.1.codec.8.priority = 0
account.1.codec.8.rtpmap = 112
account.1.codec.9.enable = 0
account.1.codec.9.payload_type = G726-24
account.1.codec.9.priority = 0
account.1.codec.9.rtpmap = 102
account.1.codec.10.enable = 0
account.1.codec.10.payload_type = G726-32
account.1.codec.10.priority = 0
account.1.codec.10.rtpmap = 2
account.1.codec.11.enable = 0
account.1.codec.11.payload_type = G726-40
account.1.codec.11.priority = 0
account.1.codec.11.rtpmap = 104
network.internet_port.type = 0
network.internet_port.ip =
network.internet_port.mask =
network.internet_port.gateway =
network.primary_dns =
network.secondary_dns =
network.pppoe.user =
network.pppoe.password =
network.bridge_mode = 1
network.pc_port.ip =
network.pc_port.mask =
network.pc_port.dhcp_server = 1
network.dhcp.start_ip =
network.dhcp.end_ip =
network.vlan.internet_port_enable = 0
network.vlan.internet_port_vid = 0
network.vlan.internet_port_priority = 0
network.vlan.pc_port_enable = 0
network.vlan.pc_port_vid = 0
network.vlan.pc_port_priority = 0
network.qos.signaltos = 40
network.qos.rtptos = 40
network.port.max_rtpport = 11800
network.port.min_rtpport = 11780
# syslog note
#syslog.server =
lang.gui = Deutsch
lang.wui = Deutsch
local_time.time_zone = +1
local_time.time_zone_name = Germany(Berlin)
local_time.ntp_server1 = %TF_SIPSERVER%
local_time.ntp_server2 =
phone_setting.inter_digit_time = 4
phone_setting.flash_hook_timer = 1
phone_setting.lock = 0
phone_setting.ring_type =
phone_setting.contrast = 2
phone_setting.active_backlight_level = 10
phone_setting.backlight_time = 1800
phone_setting.product_name =
distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.1.text = Intern
distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.1.ringer = %TF_ALERT_INTERN%
call_waiting.enable = 1
features.hotline_number =
features.busy_tone_delay =
features.key_tone = 0
features.pound_key.mode = 1
phone_setting.emergency.number = 110,112
## Transfer ##
transfer.semi_attend_tran_enable = 1
transfer.blind_tran_on_hook_enable = 0
transfer.tran_others_after_conf_enable = 0
transfer.on_hook_trans_enable =
transfer.dsskey_deal_type = 1
transfer.multi_call_trans_enable =
## Line Key ##
###Except T19D Model
###T21D/T20P X ranges from 1 to 2
###T22P/T26P X ranges from 1 to 3
###T28P X ranges from 1 to 6
###T41P/T42G X ranges from 1 to 15
###T46G X ranges from 1 to 27
#memorykey.1.sub_type = BLF
#memorykey.1.line = 0
#memorykey.1.value = %TF_NTNUMMER_1%
#memorykey.1.pickup_value = **
#memorykey.1.type = 16
#memorykey.1.label = %TF_NTNAME_1%
## Programable Key ##
###T20P X ranges from 1 to 9
###T28P/T26P X ranges from 1 to 14
###T41P/T42G/T19P/T21P X ranges from 1 to 11
###T46G/T22P X ranges from 1 to 13
programablekey.2.type = 38
programablekey.2.label = Kontakte
# voice note
voice.vad = 0
voice.cng = 1
voice.echo_cancellation = 1
# voice.side_tone = -3
voice.jib.adaptive = 1
voice.jib.min = 0
voice.jib.max = 300
voice.jib.normal = 120
voice_mail.number.1 = *99
voice_mail.number.2 = *99
voice_mail.number.3 = *99
voice_mail.number.4 = *99
voice_mail.number.5 = *99
voice_mail.number.6 = *99
# voice note = Germany
voice.tone.dial =
voice.tone.ring =
voice.tone.busy =
voice.tone.congestion =
voice.tone.callwaiting =
voice.tone.dialrecall =
voice.tone.record = =
voice.tone.stutter =
voice.tone.message =
voice.tone.autoanswer =
# ldap note
ldap.enable = 1
ldap.name_filter = (&(telNrBusiness1=*)(sn=%))
ldap.number_filter = = %TF_SIPSERVER%
ldap.port = 389
ldap.base = ou=Teamfon,ou=userdata,ou=appls,dc=teamware,dc=de
ldap.user = uid=%TF_ACCOUNT%,ou=authentication,dc=teamfom,dc=de
ldap.password = %TF_PASSWORD%
ldap.max_hits = 100
ldap.name_attr = sn cn
ldap.numb_attr = telNrBusiness1 telNrBusiness2 telNrMobile telNrPrivate
ldap.display_name = %cn
ldap.version = 3
ldap.base = ou=Teamfon,ou=userdata,ou=appls,dc=teamware,dc=de
ldap.ldap_sort = 0
ldap.call_in_lookup = 0
auto_provision.mode = 7
auto_provision.schedule.periodic_minute =
auto_provision.schedule.time_from = 02:00
auto_provision.schedule.time_to = 03:00
auto_provision.schedule.dayofweek = 0123456
auto_provision.pnp_enable = 0
auto_provision.dhcp_option.list_user_options =
auto_provision.server.url = http://%TF_SIPSERVER%/yealink
# security note
security.user_password = admin:team05
security.user_password = user:
## Dial Plan ##
dialplan.area_code.code =
dialplan.area_code.min_len = 1
dialplan.area_code.max_len = 15
dialplan.area_code.line_id =
dialplan.block_out.number.1 =
dialplan.block_out.line_id.1 =
## Firmware ##
firmware.url = http://%TF_SIPSERVER%/yealink/firmware/%TF_FIRMWARE%
over_the_air.url = http://%TF_SIPSERVER%/yealink/firmware/%TF_HANDSET%
over_the_air.base_trigger = 1
over_the_air.handset_tip = 1